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The Wavell School

 Year 9 History

What will my child study during Year 9 in History?

In Year 9 we study the following:

Pop-culture, protest or parliament- what has done the most to campaign for equality

The Changing Nature of Political Power from Anglo-Saxon times to Present – The changing nature of the monarch, Church and the emergence of Parliament.

The Russian Revolution

Why did Orwell write Animal Farm


International Relations 1918-39

  • Causes of WWII
  • World War II – through the link of Lord Wavell
  • The Holocaust


Note: There will be ongoing changes to the content of Year 9 2024-25 

How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in History in Year 9?

  • Work in this subject is assessed regularly as classwork and homework tasks.
  • Formal assessments take place half-termly or at the end of a topic of study (not all enquiries have a formal assessment).
  • Work is marked diagnostically with clear targets, time is given for feedback and improvement.
  • Parents are informed of Progress through Progress Reviews home.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 9 in History?

  • Homework is set fortnightly.

  • Students are expected to spend about 30-40 minutes on their homework task, depending on what sort of task the teacher has set.  Homework includes spellings, revision e.g. gap fill tasks, Topic Tool Boxes, research, questions and projects (some extended ones).

  • The aim of setting fortnightly homework tasks is to facilitate students learning in lessons and to extend their literacy levels. Completing homework independently helps students to develop the skills which they will need to have mastered by the time they begin GCSE History, as they are required to be organised and punctual with their work.

  • Some homework tasks will be set by their teacher on the school VLE.

How can I support my child to do well in History during Year 9?

  • Check that homework is being done.

  • Encourage the use of any additional resources for information, for example the library, the Internet, videos/ documentaries/ films

  • Encourage students to develop their knowledge of historical events by reading around the subject. 

Year 9 History Book List

What equipment may my child need in addition to the standard school equipment?

  • In addition to standard equipment expected for all lessons, colouring pencils, pencils and a 30cm ruler will also be needed. Highlighters are recommended.

By the end of the year, what would an 'expert' be able to do in History?

  • Demonstrate an increasing depth of factual knowledge and understanding.
  • Make links between outline and detailed factual knowledge of the history of Britain and other countries.
  • Analyse relationships between the features of a particular period or society.
  • Analyse relationships for and results of, events and changes (without structured support).
  • Explain how and why historical interpretations have been produced.
  • To show independence in following lines of enquiry using their knowledge and understanding to identify, evaluate and use sources of information critically.
  • Begin to produce substantiated conclusions independently.
  • Select, organise and deploy relevant information to produce well-structured narratives, descriptions and explanations, making appropriate use of dates and terms.
  • Work as a confident and independent learner.
  • Link detailed and outline knowledge to convey understanding of events and periods in broad context.
  • Set interpretations in context.
  • Generate well-supported arguments.
  • Pose and refine questions as a part of their enquiries.

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • Lessons and sequences of lessons are designed to build knowledge and skills – there are clear scaffolds
  • Work is differentiated in lessons
  • 1:1 support is given in lessons and LSA deployed where available in lessons
  • Students are given the chance to practice writing skills before an assessment and get formative feedback
  • Students may ask for word banks/ mats, keywords lists or pre-reading to use at home
  • BBC Bitesize and SAM Learning can be very useful

Updated July 2024