Links with KS1 & KS2 Schools
The Wavell School works closely with local primary, infant and junior schools to ensure that the transfer of students from primary to secondary education is as smooth as possible. Before children join the school, most will have been taught by a number of The Wavell School staff on such liaison programs as Maths, Science, PE and Design Technology. In addition, Wavell teachers meet with children and primary school teachers in their own environment. Information about National Curriculum levels, as well as other records of student performance, is passed on to ensure continuity.
As a Technology College our Primary partners are:
- Marlborough Infant School
- North Farnborough Infant School
- St Mark's CE (Aided) Primary School
- St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
- St Peter's CE (Aided) Junior School
- South Farnborough Infant School
- South Farnborough Junior School
- Talavera Infant School
- Talavera Junior School
We do also admit children from a wider range of schools. We are regularly oversubscribed and have received the highest number of first applications in Rushmoor for the past few years.
Each year the Science Faculty offers gifted and talented Science students from each of our main feeder schools the chance to experience a range of activities in our laboratories. The programme runs after school for six weeks and the students get to try out Biology, Chemistry and Physics experiments including food testing, flame-testing and crash-test dummies.
14-19 Rushmoor-Hart Consortium
We work closely with all schools in the Rushmoor and Hart area. We have held the Chair of the Rushmoor and Hart Curriculum Innovators Group for the past 3 years and have led on initiatives to help improve educational outcomes for students in the local area, the latest being an event to raise aspirations for Year 8 students. We also work closely with our two local Further Education Colleges on programmes to improve all aspects of transition from Key Stage 4 to post-16 education as well as leading the local Secondary schools in programmes specifically in Biology and Languages. Some Wavell students attend Farnborough College of Technology on a day-release programme during Key Stage 4.
Rushmoor Extended School Services
Our Headteacher and one of our Assistant Headteachers are members of the Rushmoor Extended Services Steering Group. We work closely with the Rushmoor Borough Council Co-ordinator and offer a Full Extended School Service.
Part of our work with this group has been to organise and run a local community event, ‘Around the World in Eighty Minutes’. In addition we have taken part in transition projects which include the very successful Year 6/ 7 Business Conference which has been held at The Princes Hall.
Rushmoor Education Improvement Programme
Our Headteacher is the Secondary School Representative on the Rushmoor EIP and we are very excited at the possibility of all local schools and community partners working together with County and Borough Councils to continue to improve local education opportunities.