PSHE and Citizenship
The PSHE (Personal Social & Health Education) and Citizenship Curriculum is fundamentally about educating the whole child.
"...excellent personal, social, citizenship and health education programme" (Ofsted)
PSHE Staff
PSHE is taught one lesson per week in tutor groups by the form tutors. Each Year Group follows a set PSHE programme managed by the Directors of Students and Head of PSHE, Miss Winter.
We take pride in our schemes and lessons being varied and interesting with regular outside speakers, including circle time, debate, ICT and presentations.
All Year Groups will cover the following subjects:
- Bullying / Conflict Resolution
- Drugs / Alcohol
- Careers
- Money / Gambling
- Citizenship
- Health / Wellbeing
- Relationship & Sex Education
Related PSHE & Citizenship:
PDL (Personal Development Learning)
ECO Schools
SEAL (Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning
Emotional Intelligence
Global Citizenship
Safe Guarding
Community Cohesion
To lead independent, happy lives, children must develop their self-confidence. This involves taking responsibility for their own health and well-being. In this subject, children learn about these important life skills. They learn not only about their own rights, duties and responsibilities but also about the rights and responsibilities of others. Teaching in PSHE aims to help them respect and value the richness and diversity of our British society. PSHE at the Wavell School is not formally assessed.
Our PSHE Bulletin Board contains current PSHE news and information as well as useful links