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The Wavell School


ChatHealth is a secure and confidential text messaging service for young people. It allows patients to easily and anonymously get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support.

Advice on stress and anxiety, bullying, relationships  and lots more.

Text 07507 332 160


D Block

In January 2015 we moved into the former caretaker’s bungalow which had been completely renovated and altered to provide a fantastic standalone building, now known as D Block.

D Block has many advantages but most importantly it allows access to all. Outside there is a large secure garden where our popular Garden Club is based. It houses 2 counselling rooms that are used by our Pastoral Mentor and Outreach Workers who offer 1-1 pastoral support to students, giving them an opportunity to talk about any worries or concerns they may have. First Aid is also based here, in addition to The Link. This year we are looking to further develop this valuable resource so that we are able to provide more pastoral support to meet the needs of our young people.

The Link

We recognise that for a number of our students, a full timetable can be challenging and there may be periods where a reduced timetable is necessary. This is most effective when additional support and interventions are delivered alongside this to secure regular attendance.

The Link is a new resource this year and aims to provide a space in which students can be in school, whilst being supported by a dedicated member of staff.  Attendance to curriculum lessons will continue as determined by the student’s reintegration timetable; the remainder of the time will be spent in The Link working with the Student Support Officer who will support students to complete work set for other timetabled subjects in preparation for their transition back into that class. The Link serves as exactly that, providing a stepping stone between a smaller space on school site to lessons and classrooms within the school.

The Link is a time-bound resource with the aim of reintegrating students back into the majority of their timetabled curriculum lessons within 1 term.