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The Wavell School

The Students’ roll of honour which is growing weekly….

Year 9

Aleezah A

Lex B

Ollie B

Leah C
Luca C

Kara D

Dristy G

Rakchhya G

Shankalp G

Riley H-S

Roman H
Charlie H

Eva J

Sara J

Deeksha K

Matthew K

Dawid K

Bradley M

Tyler M

Isabella M

Holly M

Jayden O-A

Rubica R

Billie S

Amelia Y

Lex B

Matthew K

Year 10

Ailish A

Jasmin A
Darcy A

Adebisi A

Sebastian A

Frankie A

Amelie A

Jessica A

Ty B
Jayden B
Dylan B

Jack B

Charlie B
Benjamin B
Ollie B

Patricia C
Evie C

Carter C

Lucas C

Adele C

Oscar C

Skye C

Sanziana C

Callum C

Tommy C

Mason C

Jack C

Marissa C

Gabriel C
Eleanor C

Brooke C
Paige C

Ollie C

Omar D
Jude D

Phoebe D
Ellie E

Beth E

Sami E

Tyrese E

Jonathan F

Jacob F

Keavie Rae G

Ellie G
Emilia G

Thomas G
Joshua G

Jorja G

Eben G
Jasmine G

Pearlyn G
Shreya G

Sujan G

Kenzi G
Emily H

Evie H-E
Tayla H

Lirion H

Roseanna J

Dharvi J

Sam J

Alice J
Maisie K

Hirjan K
Charlie K

Emilie K

Phoebie K

Suhana K

Finau K
Abigail L

Jasper L

Darcey L

Harvey L

Piper L R
Hannah L

Emily-Rose L-R

Misek L

Teanna L

Lily L

James L

Jake L

Jasper L

Karania M
Irslan M
Larissa M

Haya M

Sam M

Cameron M-K

Jaden M

Atharva M

Emily M

Baya M

Laila M

Marwah N

Finley N

Amelia N

Lorraine N

Queen-Esther O

Kaila O

Reece O

Lucas O

Rhea P

Nishika P

Phoebe P

Masie P

Reo P

Lyla P

Laila P

Grace P

Lucy P

Ben P

Cyna R

Taya R
Reagan R
Amber R

Esmae S

Isaac S

Uday S

Ellis S-L

Lucas S

Alankrit S

Lilly S

Chitraksh S

Siddhu S

Hollie S

Blossom S

Lily S
Nia Sm
Jorja S

Nia St
Poppy S

Kimmy S

Caitlin T
Sebastian T

Luke T

Rana T

Ethan T

Emily T

Martha T
Bethany U

Kavanch U

Bianca V

Zac W
Reece W
Freya W

Leah W

Louis W

Katie Wh
Matthew W

Bo W

Charlie W

Danny W
Katie Wy

Ethan Y

Sophia Y

Kaitlin C

Niia M
Callum M

Hilary W


Year 11

Helena A

Grace A

Freddie A

Bradley A

Tyler A

Henry A

Daniel B

Alex B

Mehmet B

Erica B

Fred B

Elsie B

Greeshma B

Archie B

Nathan B

Ffion B

Amalia B
Mia B

Grace B

Aaron C

Sadie C

Luke C

Tilly C

Ben C

Logan C

Charlie C
Lana D

Livia D

Noah D

Grace D
Luca D

Will D
Leon E

Evie E
Ryan F

Charlie F

Chloe G

Freddie G
George G

Grace G

Tommy G

Kaden G

Samuel G
Oscar H

Matthew H

Beau H

Erin H

Toby H

Jessica H

Henry H

Isabelle H

Megan H
Sophie H

Nate H

Millie H

Albert H

Callum J

Teigan J-N

Kobe J

Cadence J
Allie K

Jacob K

Candice L

Jaiden L

Joshua L

Ellie M
Leia M

Poppy M

Tom M

Ben Mf

Ruby M

Sam N

Joseph O

Jack-Ryan P

Harry P
Rosie P

Nicole P

Sadeep P

Jack P

Poppy P

Jasmine R

Teodora S

Dylan S

Poppy S

Alex S

Ellie S

Olivia S

Chloe S

Reuben S-J

Felix S

Oliver S

Emily S

Leah S

Matthew S

Alice S

Yoman T

Lucas T

Alisha T

Torika T

Logan T

Simone T

Lauren V

Hannah W

Nieve W
Della W

Tom W

Logan C

Ben M
Alfie Q
Kanishka S


The IT & Computing Department “actively encourage all our students to sign up at the start of Year 9”

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA is an international award winning programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free.

Through their series of online challenges, you can win career-enhancing badges, unlock new opportunities and, ultimately, gain industry-recognised Awards that help you stand out from the crowd.

There are six iDEA areas of tasks to explore to gain your 250 points, 4 are compulsory in the Bronze Award, these are Citizen, Worker, Maker and Entrepreneur Badges in which you must achieve at least 50 points in each one.  Leaving you to do the last 50 points in any area you particularly have an interest in. The remaining last two badges are Gamer Badges and currently in development Independent Badges.

After achieving the Bronze Award you can level up to Silver.

Below is an image of the Citizen Badges you can collect, each one has different values to make up the total required to achieve your badge.

You will not have to do them all!   
To get your Citizen Badge you need only 50 points, so please do not be put off.

Will universities recognise my achievements with iDEA?  

Many people write about their achievements with iDEA in their personal statement if they are applying to University or when applying for jobs - the Awards are recognised by UCAS in the same way as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

Can I put my achievements with iDEA on my CV?  
Yes, you can use your iDEA Badges just like the awards in DofE

Record of Achievement
The badges demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have gained at both Bronze and Silver level. 
To find out more click here  https://idea.org.uk/about/roa