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Quick Links Open/Close

The Wavell School

School Closure Details

In the event of extreme weather conditions or other reasons that may cause closure of the School, all Parents/Carers and Staff will be notified via WavellMail (email or text in the case of emergencies).

There will also be updates posted via:


If we have to decide to send students home before the end of the school day then we will text you with this decision.

Should the school close, learning will revert to learning via Satchel.


In the event of snow,

  • Please remember not to drive onto the site as we need to assure the safety of our students in such weather conditions.
  • Lynchford Road pedestrian gate will be our main access point for students as we will make this a priority clearance area.
  • Please make sure that your child comes to School in waterproof footwear and coats as they can get into their school shoes once at the School.
  • Please remind your child that it is essential that they help us keep the site and themselves safe at all times by behaving appropriately.


  Tips for driving in Snow and Ice

In the event of School Closure, Remote School Learning will usually continue via Satchel