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The Wavell School

Social Media

The School appreciates the many positive uses of social media where used appropriately and responsibly and uses Facebook, Instagram and X in order to communicate effectively and engage with our online community. 

Official Wavell School Accounts:




The accounts are used as ‘broadcast’ pages/ ‘online noticeboards’ for school news and information. We do not encourage online queries via these accounts.  


We have private Facebook groups for parents and carers of students who attend the school. The Groups' aim is to provide a private community in which to get to know about the School, ask any general questions and network with other parents in the Group. Specific personal queries should always be made via telephone, email admin@wavell.hants.sch.uk or in writing in order that they may be dealt with more effectively. 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Second Hand Uniform This is a public Group for Wavell School parents to sell, swap or give away good quality second hand uniform and equipment etc. Collection and payment is to be arranged between seller and buyer.  



We educate our students in responsible and safe use of social media through our own positive role modelling and do not tolerate the misuse of any form of social media. We continually monitor the use of our Social Media sites and hope that with proper use they will continue to be an asset to the School Community. 

  • The interaction with the School Social Media Accounts must follow the rules of the E-Safety Policy and School ICT Agreement, signed by all parents, students and staff. 
  • Any complaints regarding the School and its procedures should be submitted in line with our complaints procedure. ie. Complaints may be made in person, by telephone, email or letter, not via Social Media.  
  • Any inappropriate comments will be reported and necessary action taken. 

If you do not have a Facebook, Instagram or X account please be assured that important news and information is also always distributed to all parents/carers via our Weekly Wave Newsletter and email communication system, WavellMail.