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The Wavell School


Please note that if your child has suffered from diarrhoea or vomiting they should not return to school until 48 hours after their last episode.


It is not recommended that children and young people are tested for COVID-19 unless directed to by a health professional.

Students who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They may come back to school when they no longer have a high temperature and are well enough to attend.

If a student does have a positive COVID-19 test result they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days which is when they are most infectious. This starts from the day after they did the test.

 29.03.22  Medication Regulations

Further information and links regarding school illnesses, immunisation and general health:

School Nurse

01252 335655

First Aid

The First Aid Room is located in D Block

If the door is locked students should report to Reception who will advise an alternative First Aider, should Mrs Dallaway be in a meeting or off site.

Please be aware that this is a First Aid Room and NOT a substitute for your GP.

School First Aiders:

Mrs Dallaway - Senior First Aider - First Aid Room
Mrs Weston - 
D Block
Mrs Barnard - Admin

Mrs Wright - Science

For non-emergencies (for example headaches, stomach aches or toothache) the opening times are break and lunch times.

PassOutside of break or lunchtime should a student become so unwell that he/she is unable to continue with their class they will need the permission of their teacher to visit the First Aid Room and will be given an Amber Card.  They will then be assessed and their medical needs be treated accordingly. Should this require for the student to be sent home the relevant parent/carer will be contacted by a member of staff.

Students should not contact parents/carers via their mobile phone during school hours as this is against the School’s Safeguarding and Mobile Phone Policies. 
First Aid Room Procedure

Medical Appointments

All medical appointments during the school day will require a note beforehand from your parents/carer to be shown to your Form Tutor. When you leave the School you must sign out at Reception and show the letter to the Receptionist. If you return to School during the same school day you must sign back in at Reception.


Students must not be carrying medication in their bags and self-administering medication. All medicines should be taken to Reception or the First Aid Room along with a completed Administration of Medication Consent Form (If you are unable to print off a copy, printed copies can be obtained from Reception or the First Aid Room) Medicines should be in their original box or bottle with the name of the medication and dose amount information. We can store and administer any long-term, short-term or occasional use medication.


We have our own supply of paracetamol that can be administered (only with consent) for headaches/stomach aches and other mild pain if needed. Please note that we do not hold any other medicines of any kind. 

A box containing an emergency inhaler is kept in the First Aid Room should any student require it, this is taken outside in the event of the fire alarm being activated.    

Sanitary Wear

Sanitary products are now freely available to all girls in school from the First Aid Room as part of the 'End Period Poverty' campaign.

 Period Poverty Leaflet


Please ensure that all students carry water in a clear plastic bottle to School everyday.  Water fountains are provided for them to be re-filled during break and lunchtimes.


If your child is diagnosed with any new health conditions or have any changes to their existing medical conditions (including medication changes) please inform Mrs Dallaway as soon as possible. This is to ensure that, should an emergency occur, the school has the most up-to-date medical information for each student.

Should you have any queries on any of the matters outlined here please do not hesitate to contact the School.