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Quick Links

The Wavell School

Contact information

The Wavell School  

Lynchford Road  
United Kingdom  
GU14 6BH 

Tel: 01252 341256 

The switchboard is open from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.00 am to 3.30pm, Friday. Outside of these times messages may be left on the school answering machine. Please note that all telephone calls made to and from the School are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

email: admin@wavell.hants.sch.uk

Emails may either be addressed to a specific member of staff (if known) or to Aylene Speir, Office Manager. Whenever possible we aim to respond to emails within 3 working days from receipt.

 Exams contact:

email: exams@wavell.hants.sch.uk

Homework & Remote Learning:

email: homework@wavell.hants.sch.uk

If sending work, please put the name of the teacher the work is to go to in the subject line.


email: admin@wavell.hants.sch.uk

If you have any concerns regarding Safeguarding please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Hogg

Click here for more Safeguarding information 


Please note that Wavell School is a no smoking site. The use or charging of electronic cigarettes on site is not permitted.



No dogs are permitted on the site at any time.


Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request by contacting the Communications & Marketing Manager via admin@wavell.hants.sch.uk