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The Wavell School

Prefects in Training

Our newly appointed Year 10 Prefects were involved in a training event on Tuesday 9th July, the first of its kind at Wavell.

The aim of the afternoon was to foster a sense of 'Team' amongst our largest ever Prefect body. Students were given a variety of tasks complete as well as learning more about the roles they are undertaking. The competition was fierce between the 10 teams in the challenge events ranging from building the tallest or most creative structure to support an egg to Pictionary. The most challenging event was possibly the rubber egg throwing/rolling to land it between two lines. All of the challenges were designed to build team work, strategic thinking and planning, creativity, communication skills and empower the new Prefects to become role models for the rest of the School.

Students engaged brilliantly and we are really looking forward to seeing our Prefects take on their roles fully in September.

Prefect Body 2024-25