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The Wavell School

Mental Health & Mindfulness

PSHE is looking a little different so far this year. With ours being a curriculum which is reactive to what is happening locally, nationally and internationally, we spent the first half term focussing on Mental Health.

This is of huge importance now more than ever in the current climate. The PSHE department has worked closely alongside the Directors of Students and the Pastoral Team to create new resources to make all students feel safe. We have created new lessons which are designed, amongst other things, to help everyone:

Complete a ‘Student Record’ upon return to school to assess wellbeing and create strategies to help settle back in to school

Have the right tools to express negative emotions

Understand anxiety and taught different ways to cope with stress and worry

Understand the physical and emotional importance and benefits of a good sleep pattern

We continue to hear Student Voice and accommodate this into planning for the future. See below for students’ thoughts so far about PSHE this year!

What did you learn in the Mental Health Topic?

 I liked learning about sleep because I didn’t get any but after listening to relaxing music me and my mum started listening to white noise sounds and it really helped me.
It's something we shouldn't be scared to talk about and it's something we should always think about if someone's looking sad or upset.
It helps me deal with friends that have anxiety issues, because I was able to learn what they are.

What do you enjoy about PSHE?

I enjoyed learning about Anger – it was very interesting. There was a lot of strategies, and I’ve used some with my little brother at home!  

I like PSHE because it is kind of like a time to have a break from working hard. It’s especially fun when we get to do the colouring and sometimes listening to the calming music.
 I like PSHE because it’s relaxing and lets me think about how I feel not just others. It lets me think about myself and not worry so much about others.

Positive Affirmations in a Year 8 Tutor Group

Mindful Colouring in a Year 9 Tutor Group

As a school, we have now designated one Tutor Time a week to Mindfulness. Staff across The Wavell have been sharing different activities to be done during one of these sessions a week. The activities range from Guided Meditation to Mindfulness Colouring – and the bank of school-wide resources continue to grow!

I like mindfulness because it is calming and we can relax and have a break from normal school work.
Mindfulness is really helpful and gradually people are learning that what works for one person might not always work for another, but there is something for everyone.
Mindfulness helps you feel refreshed for the rest of the day.


Going forward, the PSHE team are continuing to develop new and exciting content to cover modern issues, including:

  • Changing Friendships
  • Building Healthy Relationships
  • The BLM movement
  • LGBTQ+
  • The impact of technology on our Mental and Emotional Health