Year 9 Mathematics
What will my child study in Mathematics during Year 9?
In Year 9, students begin their Key Stage 4 programme of study, in preparation for the demands of the Pearson (Edexcel) GCSE syllabus, which includes work modules in the following categories:In Year 9 students work in ability groups, based on their Year 8 attainment in classwork, homework, modular assessment and the End of Year Examination.
- Number
- Algebra
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change
- Geometry and measures
- Probability
- Statistics
Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 |
Number Fractions Percentages Negative numbers Ratio Proportion Statistical representation Algebra Shape. |
Scale drawing Pythagoras Further number work Angles Constructions Graphs Speed Transformations Data handling. |
Angles Probability Sequences Percentages Further algebra Further statistical representation Circles. |
Lessons are designed to develop the mathematical reasoning, fluency and problem solving ability of the student.
How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Mathematics in Year 9?
Students are assessed, at the end of each term, on the modules of work completed. At the end of the year students are formally assessed on the Key Stage 3 syllabus. Setting is reviewed at the end of each term, when any necessary changes are made.
What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 9 in Mathematics?
Students are given homework each week; this will consist of one task, taking up to 1 hour to complete. Homework may be set on our MyMaths resource, but the majority of homework will be written in books.
How can I support my child to do well in Mathematics during Year 9?
- Making sure all homework is completed to a good standard.
- Buy revision guides for them to use, these will then last through to their GCSE examinations.
- The MyMaths website is a good resource to help support your child, it can give advice on mathematical methods and how to answer questions.
What equipment may my child need in addition to the standard school equipment?
- Ruler (preferably 30 cm).
- Protractor.
- Compasses.
- Scientific calculator.
By the end of the year, what would an 'expert' be able to do in Mathematics?
- consider all aspects of their work on their own to correct and improve it.
- beginning to see why the solutions to problems work.
- visualise shapes and therefore able to answer a variety of 3-D shape and space questions, with or without the use of diagrams.
- able to generalise from specific situations with ease.
- beginning to use a variety of proof methods, such as disproving by using a counter-example, proof by exhaustion and simple proof by deductions.
- able to see the elegance in some mathematical methods or solutions and begin to examine their own work to improve its elegance.
- able to solve problems requiring multiple steps from two or more topic areas
My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?
- Additional revision resources can be purchased through the office, the Mathswatch CD is a particularly good one.
- The MyMaths website is a good resource for them to use.
Updated September 2023